Singing Guide: It Shoulda Been You

Singing Guide: It Shoulda Been You

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like the stars of "It Shoulda Been You," you will need to work on your vocal range and technique.

The show features traditional Broadway-style songs, but many of them have a modern twist. Here are some tips to get started:

  1. Work on your vocal range: "It Shoulda Been You" features songs with a wide range, so you'll need to practice expanding yours. You can start with Singing Carrots' vocal range test to see where you stand.

  2. Practice your breathing: Breath support is key to singing well, so focus on exercises like the Farinelli breathing exercise and breath support article.

  3. Find your mixed voice: "It Shoulda Been You" features many songs that require both chest and head voice. Focus on exercises like the Mixed Voice and Chest Voice Explained.

  4. Improve your pitch: The show features many intricate harmonies, so developing your pitch accuracy is essential to keeping up. Try Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test.

  5. Focus on diction: To effectively convey the emotion of the songs, you'll need to focus on proper articulation. Check out the Singing Carrots article on articulation.

  6. Study the songs: Take time to listen to the “It Shoulda Been You” score and analyze the style and technique of the vocalists. Identify their signature vocal attributes and emulate them.

  7. Learn from other singing sources: Singing Carrots has a plethora of educational resources including articles and exercise videos that can help you with contemporary vocal techniques, onsets-offsets, singing with intuition, skills, and emotion, among others.

By focusing on your breathing, pitch, diction, and range, as well as analyzing the techniques of the stars of "It Shoulda Been You," you can develop your own voice into a powerful and emotionally expressive instrument with the help of our singing course, pitch training and search tools.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.